42nd Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM) & 57th ACS Junior Technical Meeting will take place on April 20, 2024. PRISM & JTM are the Island’s largest annual scientific forum for undergraduate and graduate STEM students to present their research projects to peers and faculty members. 

The PRISM/JTM provides vertical integration of the educational pipeline by bringing together secondary school students and teachers, undergraduate and graduate students from all STEM disciplines at major institutions of higher education in Puerto Rico. Participants are encouraged to cross-disciplinary lines by attending presentations and posters from other disciplines.     

Poster Presenters and Oral Speakers needs to register. Registration Deadline: March 20th, 2024
(this registration is required only for students presenting at the event)

Important Links: 

Invited Plenary Speaker:

Ing. Víctor Díaz

2024 JTM/PRISM - Save the date: April 20, 2024

Important Information

University of Puerto Rico
Aguadilla Campus
Saturday, April 20th
7:00AM – 5:00PM

Students must arrive on time to participate of the plenary speaker session

Check in start at 7:00AM at the Student Center. Don’t forget to bring your registration number.

Undergraduate students will present oral presentations. The schedule will be informed on April 20th at registration.

Students will have 10 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes afterward for questions.

Only graduate students will present posters.
Poster size:
Width: 3′ x Length: 4′

We invite you to stop by the exhibitors that will begin at 3:00pm in the
Amphitheater A-100

The Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Program for Minority Participation (PR-LSAMP) and the American Chemical Society–PR recognizes the importance of diversity, inclusion, and respect, and aims to provide students with equitable access during this conference.

University of Puerto Rico- Aguadilla Campus

Schedule of Oral Presentation

Undergraduate students will present their research through oral presentations. The schedule of oral presentations will be informed on April 20th at registration. Co-presenters are not allowed, each participant must present alone.

The day of the conference you have to check in by the Welcoming Tables at the Student Center, beginning at 7:00AM. You will need the registration number you received by email to check in. DON’T FORGET TO BRING THAT NUMBER!

If you haven´t register, please click here: Register Here!

Students must arrive on time to participate of the plenary session. The main speaker presentation starts at 9:00am at the university amphitheater A-100. Once the main theater reaches the maximum capacity, the participants might see the presentation by closed circuit at additional amphitheaters.

Breakfast: 7:00am – 9:00am at the Student Center Lunch: 12:00am- 2:00pm at the Student Center

At the Check In you will receive a voucher that you must present to pick up the lunch box

Snacks: 3:00pm –at the poster session & PRISM/JTM Expo in the Amphitheater A-100

There is parking all around the campus. Also, you might ask at the entrance. University security will be supporting participants.

If you are a participant of PR-LSAMP, PRELS or BDP, please acknowledge the award number in your oral presentation or poster. For your information, these are the award numbers:

PR-LSAMP: HRD-2008186. Also, make sure to use the official logo! The logo will be included with this information.


Oral Presentations Information General Presentation Guidelines:

  1. Students must be in the presentation room at least five minutes before the beginning of the session in which they will be presenting and must stay through the whole session. Sessions will begin on time as scheduled.
  2. Presentations must be made in PowerPoint.
  3. Students must bring their presentation on a pen drive. It is recommended that you also have the presentation in your email, as a second option. All rooms are equipped with a big screen that will allow either that you connect your pen drive directly to the screen. NO PERSONAL LAPTOPS WILL BE ALLOWED.
  4. The PowerPoint presentation must be in English. Oral presentation may be delivered in either English or Spanish.
  5. Presentations must be uploaded to the screen before the session begins in order to have an efficient transition between presentations.
  6. Students must sign the sign-in sheet that the moderator will keep as evidence of their attendance.
  7. Presentation Length
    Students will have a total of 10 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes afterwards for questions and answers.
  1. Only graduate students and postbacs will present posters.
  2. Poster Size: Width: 3’ x Length: 4’. The maximum size is 3’ width x 5’ length, however, in this case part of the poster will be hanging outside the poster board.
  3. The poster boards will be located at Amphitheater A-100.
  4. Graduate and postbac students will place their posters at 2:00PM.
  5. The location of your poster will be provided in the abstract book.
  6. The poster session will be from 3:00pm until 5:00pm.

We encourage students to prepare their presentation in advance; leaving preparation for last minute can play against you, if there is any unexpected experience. Problems with electricity is a common situation in PR, perhaps that won’t be an acceptable excuse to miss your presentation. If for any reason something like this happens and the student is not prepared, it will be the student responsibility to present his/her research in any way possible.

If as a presenter, you require any special accommodations, once you register, please send details by email to liliana.quintana1@upr.edu and zulma.crespo@upr.edu.

The event is open to general public, they are welcome to attend all activities. All participants have to Register Here! and check in at the welcoming tables at the Student Center. General public includes all non-presenters audience: Mentors, Family, Friends, Faculty, etc.

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